One Step to Glory

Are you looking for a new heartwarming book to add to your collection? Then this is the perfect one for you!

Sometimes life can throw us incredibly difficult obstacles to overcome. But once we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything we want to.

One Step To Glory tells the story of Mehdi Bashiri on his journey to greatness. From heartbreaking disappointment to amazing success, this book takes you on an unforgettable journey.

In this deeply personal book, Mehdi Bashiri and Fateme Zahra Hashemi have beautifully crafted an inspiring true story.

It is accompanied with wonderful poems which hope to inspire you!

Sometimes the breeze touches your face. You open the window, you find a way to the street on the other side of the windows, and you do not know that this simple way may lead to the blue sky. You only know that the one step left is just to glory.